Company Brief

( 031) 51160405 - 081231313222-085100398222, 087 853 640 111, 087 852 574 333
 PT. THREE PARTNERS SURABAYA Selling lightweight brick' s various brands, floor panels, cement instant, applicator installation services light brick and floor panels cheap in Surabaya, Malang, Jember, Banyuwangi, Madiun, Ponorogo, Bojonegoro, Tuban, Kediri, Blitar, tulungagung, solo, jogja, Semarang.
 PT. THREE PARTNERS SURABAYA also provide services to build a house or remodeling a house with a light brick specifications and floor panels AAC.
 PT. THREE PARTNERS SURABAYA is a supplier selling lightweight brick Surabaya and selling floor panels Surabaya, light brick cheap, Sell Building Material lightweight construction such as Bata Light Offers AAC, Panel Floor Offers AAC, mild steel, panels concrete fences, paving blocks, granite tile, stone Natural granite-marble, ceramics and Cement Mortar to the area of Surabaya, Sidoarjo, Gresik, Malang, Jember, Banyuwangi. We are also ready to serve workmanship renovation / new build your house according to our specialty is lightweight construction. inexpensive and lightweight brick floor panels We are providing the needs of the building materials such as brick Lightweight Inexpensive and Cheap AAC floor panels that have quality and excellence:
 1. Strong Earthquake Resistant Bricks Lightweight
 2. Weight Brick Lightweight Lightweight over from the Red Brick
 3. Noise Resistant Bricks Lightweight
 4. Strong Lightweight Refractory Bricks
 5. Brick Lightweight Efficient, Fast and Neat
 6. Brick Light Water Absorption Low
 7. Brick Light Cool and Save Energy
 Bricks Light Cheap and floor panels Offers AAC is a lightweight brick and floor panels AAC ( autoclaved Aerated Concrete) as an alternative solution to Smart Building, which is made of high quality raw materials with standard technology light brick from Germany, so the price of light brick and panel the floor is more economical than similar products.
 Lightweight brick floor panels Cheap Cheap and AAC provides convenience, speed and neatness for your construction needs, both in the form of residential buildings, commercial buildings, industrial buildings and other public facilities. Lightweight with Bata Cheap and floor panels AAC, you can build more effective, faster, at a price of light brick and floor panels are competitive compared to conventional brick.
 There is also a floor panel products Offers AAC.
 Cheap Floor panels AAC massive and a reinforced concrete slab replacement product that is practical, fast, and efficient and serves as the floor. Without casting process that allows for activity in the basement while the work progresses, any ceramic can also be directly mounted thereon. Cheap Floor panels AAC has been tested and found to function as a floor diaphragm that can distribute earthquake load.
 We sell Cheap Floor Panel Floor Panel AAC namely Citicon and Floor Panel Grand Elephant.
 Floor panels CITICON.
 Citicon Floor panels measuring precision and angled elbow. Aeration technology by expanding the use of the best agent of Germany made a Floor Panel Citicon be light. There is reinforcement on the inside so that Citicon Floor Panel has the same strength as conventional cast concrete and more economical. Floor panels Citicon material having low thermal fixation properties and low to the water absorbent thus making Citicon Floor panels fireproof and waterproof.
 Floor panels Grand Elephant
 Quick and easy to do.
 + 2mm dimensional accuracy.
 The supplementary material less than the ' cast in situ' .
 Order pembesian protected anti-rust.
 Good resistance to fire> 3 hours
 Surface smoothed and dried perfectly so a ceramic can be directly mounted.
 Easily cut as needed.
 Easily mobilized in confined spaces.
 Above can be directly loaded to construction.
 High compressive strength yet lightweight.
 The price is very rational.
 Tested, meets the quality standards of the International.
 Cheap AAC Floor Panels Size:
 Width = 60 cm
 Thickness = 12, 5 cm
 Length = 150cm; 175cm; 200cm; 225cm; 250cm; 275cm; 300cm; 325 cm
 We also provide for instant cement / mortar for the installation of light brick, floor panels Offers AAC and other applications that require instant cement for construction projects faster as: instant cement to cast concrete, stucco walls, plaster plus acian and others.
 We also serve light brick installation services Cheap Cheap AAC and AAC floor panels, roof installation galvalum and home renovation or to serve the needs of granite and granite tile installation ....
 Reference Projects that have used our services in the installation of light brick Inexpensive and Cheap Floor Panel:
 Noormans Semarang Hotel Development Project, Development Project Office Toll Gate Gempol-Pandaan, Sriwijaya Air Development Project Office of Surabaya, Surakarta Gilingan Market Development Project, Project Development Sidji Hotel Pekalongan, etc.
 For further information contact: ( 031) 51160405, 081231313222, 087853640111, 085100398222, 087852574333
 email: cvtigamitra librantoroabadi @ or @
 website: http: / /
 PT. Three Branches Partners Banyuwangi: Jl. MH. Tamrin no. 267 Banyuwangi. Tel. 085313428222
 http: / /
 Representative Malang:
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