Produk ini sebagai support dari pelabuhan batubara, produk ini dikenal sebagai dolphin untuk rapat tongkang pada saat loading batubara ke atas tongkang
we are company with the specialist of work is : 1. Belt Loading Conveyor ( BLC) 2. Coal Crusher 3. Weighing Bridges 4. Jetty dolphin 5. Mining Contractor 6. Consultant.
BLC ( Belt Loading Conveyor ) Crusher ( Machine ) Dolphin ( jetty) Weighing ( bridges)
Our commite is serve better and have good relationship. We do mining contractor for digging and coal getting to production of coal and delivery to the barge. We have a good skill and expert with....
we build and work with hammer to stake the sheet pile or spoon pile for jetty or harbor for barges or for oil and gas company
Produk ini untuk loading batubara ke atas tongkang