For Banjarmasin and surrounding area we provide Crane, Forklif, Vibro ( stum) , bulldozers, excavators, wheeloaders and others
Trade in goods and services, Equipment Rental, Truck, Tronton, Fuso, Forklip and Crane, computers ( Computer Networking, Software Development, Management Server, Virgin and Pebaikan, Website Creation....
We provide technical expertise for the addition of your Internet Network.
For Banjarmasin and surrounding areas we provide services for the backfill and the elevation of the road are also available from the red soil, sand, base cose, stone mountain, splite etc.
For Banjarmasin and surrounding area we provide Fuso Truck, Dumtruck, Tronton etc.
For Banjarmasin and surrounding area we provide Forklif, Vibro ( stum) , bulldozers, excavators and others.