We' re able to serve your transportation business, the need for heavy terrain also your company' s business relationship with the comfort and confidence
We are a company that is engaged in coal mining. Have experience in doing the job: field surveys / mapping, drilling/ explorations, procurement unit of mining transportations, the heavy equipment....
Kerja Beton / isian, dll K-50 K-75 K-100 K-125 K-150 K-175 K-200 Kolom, Lantai plat untuk beban rendah â € “ menengah K-225 K-250 K-275 Kolom, Lantai plat, Jalan dan jembatan untuk....
PT. Beton Kaltim didirikan di Samarinda berdasarkan Akte Pendirian No : 87 tanggal 27 Januari 2009 yang dibuat oleh Notaris Khairu Subhan, SH dan telah terdaftar di Departemen Kehakiman dan Hak Asasi....