PT . The National Building Sejahtera is a company engaged in the field of transportation services in the region of East Kalimantan and North Borneo . Our company is ready to ship your goods
Ganotindo Transport is Transporter for East Borneo Area ( Trucking and Shipping) , Kabupaten : Tabang, Kembang Janggut, Kenohan, Muara Muntai, Muara Wis, Bongan, Tanjung Isui, Muara Pahu Melak, ....
transport & port to door suplier from all city indonesia to east kalimantan
Standing in the city of Samarinda, East Kalimantan in 2013 and currently has a network and a distribution network to rural areas of East Kalimantan to areas difficult to reach. Some of our....
Kirimkanai adalah perusahan yangbergerak dibidang jasa pengiriman Barang, dokumen penting, Surat Berharga, makanan , Minuman, dan Pemesanan Tiket untuk pengiriman Area Samarinda. Kirimkanai di bawah....
Making wooden ships for the various size and purpose with punctuality and good quality materials raw
We are located in Samarinda city, East Borneo, our company main bussiness is a ship building industry. we made tug boat, barge, LCT ( Landing Craft Tank) , tanker. we can make a ship according to....