Our company provides services for palm platation development. Services such as: land clearing, infrastucture, housing, warehouse, office, etc. We provide service based on both contract and rental. ....
PT . Koba JAYA RAYA has signed a cooperation contract in Coal Procurement calori LOW and High calori with MAQMA BIO ENERGY A company from South Korea , Low calori 2, 000, 000, 000 MT / month for 40....
CARSURIN provides a comprehensive range of services comprising Independent Surveys, Cotton Controlling, Laboratory Analysis, Cotton Inspection, Lloyd� � � s Agency services, Consultancy, ISPS, Legal....
Agen Penjualan BBM Pertamnina / Patraniaga- Bahan Bakar Minyak Solar Industri. Pengiriman melalui Darat ( Truck Tangki 5.000 Ltr dan 10.000 Ltr ) Pengiriman melalui laut ( Mobile Bunker )
Vacancy information Seaman Ship captain, chief officer and engineer Requirements: Captain, chief engineer and chief officer I & II and Masisnis I & II � � PT.Darma PRIMA JAYA, an Indonesian....
PT.Pelayaran prime archipelago line � � ( Shipping Company) which is rapidly growing with fleet Tug Boat & Barge operations in coal mining, � � In order to support the progress of the company, � � ....
PT Turonggo Karya Build in Banjarmasin , South Kalimantan Indonesia since 2006.for the first, this company only worked for coal mining and trading specialist. We SPK KP in South Kalimantan PT.....
Kami perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang rental alat berat dikaltim , memberikan penawaran kepada rekanan kontraktor , migas, perkebunan sawit dengan harga dan pelayanan yang terbaik. kami supply....
We are Coal Trading Company that based in Samarinda, our offtake area are in both Palaran and Kutaikartanegara, Kalimantan Timur
We Are Coal Mining Contractor in East Kalimantan, Indonesia
we are an authorized industrial fuel distributor & transporter agent of PERTAMINA PATRA NIAGA. for more information and contact info, please visit our website www.wiratamaniaga.com