DIMENSI JAYA PEST CONTROL is not your regular neighborhood PEST CONTROL company. We utilize new proven innovative ideas to naturally control nuisance created by all kinds of pests. We highly promote....
Vacancy information Seaman Ship captain, chief .... PRIMA JAYA, an Indonesian company headquartered in Jakarta, PT.Darma PRIMA JAYA a company that provides a broad spectrum of marine logistics, from....
CV. Anugerah Bersama ( AB Cargo) is one of the expedition company that located in Samarinda who serve service delivery of goods via sea and land transportation either using container, loss of cargo, ....
We offer Product Design & Building Services, .... For information contact: Sapoengku Design Jl. JAKARTA NO 45 Marketing: MURSALIM( 081242807629) ....
CV. Mandiri Sukses Transport is a logistics .... small from Samarinda, East Kalimantan to Surabaya and Jakarta by land and sea. Meanwhile our service as follow: 1. We are provide serve delivery....
Isuzu in Indonesia has been marketed since 1960, .... Pantja Commerce along with Rustam Dervish Ir based in Jakarta. On May 6 PT. Pantja Motor 100% being owned by PT. Pantja Commerce. In 1988 PT.....
PT. Magna Sardo was established in 1963, and has .... upgradation of technology. Our Head Office in: Jakarta � � � Matraman Raya Street No.17 We have Branch office in : Samarinda � � � East....
PT. Kayu Alam Perkasa Raya ( KAPR) is a large .... Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur Office in Jakarta: Telepone: + 62-21-44853559 Fax: + 62-21-44853616, + 62-21-44853640 Address: Kawasan....
...Alat Pemanggil Walet, Mesin Walet, Mesin .... dari kota Samarinda. Harga dapat kami berikan harga jakarta ( untuk produk tertentu) ditambah ongkos kirim sesuai kota tujuan pengiriman.....
cahayabintang menerima pesanan karung plastik berbagai ukuran, warna dan jenis....memenuhi permintaan selruh indonesia..dikirim sampai ditempat..
I offered to joint coporate the land of coalmine .... OCTAVIANUS, HAND PHONE NUMBER 081347980669, ADDRESS: JL.JAKARTA BLOK: E/ 31, LOA BAKUNG, Samarinda CITY , Kalimantan east-Indonesia. my e-mail....
To Services tour and travel. Umroh and Hajj Plus